Is Terrorizer dead? Users discussing possible closure of the British magazine

The Toilet Ov Hell webzine paid attention to the lack of activity of the British metal magazine Terrorizer and the negative comments of its readers on Facebook, who had not received an issue for a long time.
"The last physical copy of Terrorizer, issue #285, was sent out in November of last year to UK subscribers. Many in the U.S. and Canada did not receive their copies. The publication hasn’t uttered a word about folding anywhere online. Their last blog post was December 18th, 2017. They last Tweeted on December 18th. Terrorizer‘s last Facebook post was published on November 15th. If you check any of the interactions on their dormant social media accounts, you’re bound to find a number of confused and angry readers," The Toilet Ov Hell.
One of the latest comments left on Terrorizer’s post on Facebook:
"Havent received any digital issue since the Myrkur cover, and had just renewed my e-sub for the year. Any chance of a refund or have you just pissed off with my money?"
Also, readers complain in social networks that Terrorizer representatives do not respond to their letters and messages.
Earlier, Terrorizer has come out on a regular basis every four weeks, with thirteen issues a year, its publication was handled by Dark Arts Ltd. in the United Kingdom. Management positions in the editorial office were occupied by Miranda Yardley (publisher, editor, advertisement) and Darren Sadler (managing editor). The first printed issue of the magazine was published in 1993 with the group Sepultura on the cover. The online version was launched in 2007. Terrorizer’s guest columns were musicians Fenriz (Darkthrone), Steve Austin (Today Is the Day), Johan Hegg (Amon Amarth), Kevin Sharp (Brutal Truth), Peter Dolving (The Haunted).
Updated. Miranda Yardley posted a statement on Terrorizer's Facebook page on March 16:
"I am writing regarding the recent rumours prematurely reporting the demise of Terrorizer.I can confirm this is not the case and that we are working to resume a regular production schedule, consequently we will honor existing magazine subscriptions and will reappear on the newsstands.I will address any outstanding subscription refunds via PayPal, and apologise for any delays in getting these to you.I am painfully aware of the gap in publication we have had, the responsibility for which I ultimately bear myself. Terrorizer has a very small but dedicated team, and I am thankful they have stood by me and the magazine through what has been a difficult period for all of us". Miranda
In 2016, the British company TeamRock, which owned the eponymous musical radio and magazines Classic Rock, Prog, and Metal Hammer, announced its bankruptcy and dismissal of 73 employees. Later in early 2017, Classic Rock, Prog and Metal Hammer were purchased by their former publisher Future Publishing.