Crematory’s drummer accuses fans of laziness due to low sales of tickets for band’s shows

Markus Jüllich, the drummer of the German metal act Crematory, which in April is going on tour in support of the new album, accused fans of being lazy because of low ticket sales for the band’s upcoming concerts.
The post on the band’s official Facebook page:
"The end of CREMATORY? Will "Oblivion" be the last studio album and the tour in May the final one?
CREMATORY´s new studio album "Oblivion" will be released on friday, the 13.4.2018. We were planning to promote the album with a tour, starting at the 27.4.18 and running through all of May in Germany.
That will only happen, have you fans get off your lazy asses and start buying tickets for the announced shows. The presales are horrible and we will cancel the tour completely, if the numbers don't increase radically.
The most important thing is, that you buy our new CD and double vinyl edition, cause when I look at our sales statistics I could start throwing up! Nowadays we are selling way more downloads and streams then we sell the original products, and this will be the death for all bands, cause you hardly get any money from this shit compared to the CD compensation. So as a matter of fact, a band will hardly make enough money to put a good sounding album on the market.
The worst is, that streaming on itunes, spotify, deezer, napster and all the other bullshit platforms doesn´t pay out for the band at all. Our last album "Monument" had 1,5 million streams and we don't even sell 1% of that in original vinyl or CD products.
This can't go on like this anymore! It's not only CREMATORY who is suffering from all that, but only we have the balls to stand up and tell you the truth. Wake up you Metalheads and start honoring the value of real music and come back to buying the products. We don't want music just getting wasted and being stored on harddrives, usb-sticks, sd cards in miserable mp3 quality.
We hope you understand how important that is to us. Because of this, we will give you something special with the new album "Oblivion", so you think twice before you buy the shitty download or the even worse stream.
Every CD and vinyl LP comes with a 10 € merchandise voucher, that you can use on our concerts, or in our merchandise-shop at the CREMATORY website. That makes every CD or LP including the voucher even cheaper than a download and you get a great digipack with booklet, lyrics, pictures and poster.
So, please dear fans, buy CD´s and LP´s and forget the downloads, cause otherwise there won't be another CREMATORY album. Don't make "Oblivion" the final album and give us your support on the tour. Start buying tickets now, so we can have great shows together. Even after 27 years of CREMATORY we are still hungry to keep going, but all that is in your hands.
Believe in you and especially in CREMATORY! Markus Jüllich."
Crematory’s forthcoming album "Oblivion", which will be the 14th full-length release in the band’s discography, will be released on April 13 via Steamhammer. In its support, the group plans to give more than 10 concerts in Germany from the end of April to the end of May.
Earlier, Children Of Bodom’s Janne Wirman has shared his opinion that streaming services and major labels kill music industry.
At the same time, Skogen’s leader Joakim Svensson expressed his support for streaming services:
"Well, it’s pointless to still be against downloading and streaming. It’s way too late now. I actually think it’s only good for the bands, because the spread of the music gets a million times more out there now. I prefer physical formats, and would never only release a digital album, but the physical format has increased A LOT lately. Especially vinyl. It’s a trend now, and that’s good for the bands. Not for the buyers, with all the colored vinyls and stuff, but still... not many labels wanted to put out an album on vinyl 15 years ago. Everything have good and bad sides. It’s a lot better now that 15 years ago, that’s for sure. Download and stream Skogen’s music as much as you want, then more people can listen to us. But make sure to buy our albums and support the scene as well. If people don’t buy, the labels fade, and the bands can’t release more albums. Simple mathematics".