Ascension MMXX, dedicated to black metal music, to be held in Iceland on May 21-23

Ascension MMXX, which is one of the highlights of the year's events for black metal fans, will be held in Iceland from May 21 to 23. The three-day event will feature more than 20 performing acts, including Auðn, Mgła, Sinmara, Ved Buens Ende, Svartidauði, etc.
Ascension MMXX line-up
Abominor (IS)
Almyrkvi (IS)
Amenra (BE)
Andavald (IS)
Auðn (IS)
DHG/Dødheimsgard Official (NO)
Fleshworld (PL)
Forsmán (IS)
Grave Pleasures (FI)
Hexvessel (FI)
Kaleikr (IS)
Kælan Mikla (IS)
Kollaps (AU)
Malokarpatan (SK)
Mannveira (IS)
Mgła (PL)
Nexion (IS)
:Of The Wand & The Moon: Official (DK)
Rebirth of Nefast (IRL/IS)
Shrine of Insanabilis (DE)
Sinmara (IS)
Slidhr (IS/IRL)
Soft Kill (US)
Svartidauði (IS)
Trepaneringsritualen (SE)
Ved Buens Ende (NO)
Zhrine (IS)
Ascension MMXX will be held at the Hlégarður in Mosfellbær, Iceland.
Tickets for the festival are already available for purchase: 5000 — 18900 ISK (around $40-154). You can buy tickets for Ascension Festival at this location. Event on Facebook.
The previous Ascension festival was held on June 13-15, 2019, with Antaeus, Gost, King Dude, Bölzer, Misþyrming, Sinmara, Solstafir, Zhrine and others as performing bands. In addition to performances by musical acts, the festival also hosted exhibitions by French artist and designer Dehn Sora (Amenra, Blut aus Nord, In the Woods..., Merrimack, Sektarism) and German photographer Void Revelations (Misþyrming, Whoredom Rife, King Dude, Chelsea Wolfe).
Read also: Interview with one of the main catalysts in the Icelandic scene Stephen Lockhart