Abbath, Behemoth, Inquisition and Entombed A.D. go on European tour in 2016

Abbath and Behemoth supporting by Inquisition and Entombed A.D. will go on Europa Blasphemia Tour at the beginning of 2016.
Before the concerts start, the American black metallers Inquisition will enter the studio to record a new album.
"Inquisition shall spit the serpent's poison into the infinite void and convert streams into oceans of fire. After we enter the studio at this years end to record the upcoming Inquisition album for 2016, we shall close our "Obscure Verses for the Multiverse" touring cycle as forming part of the Europa Blasphemia tour 2016 with Entombed A.D., Abbath and Behemoth. More details in the near future."
For the newly founded, by Immortal's ex-frontman, band Abbath upcoming Europa Blasphemia will be the first European winter tour. Recently, the group made its debut at the Tuska Open Air festival and in the nearest future musicians will have shows in Switzerland, France, the UK and Norway.
"We look forward to sharing European stages with class acts such as Behemoth, Inquisition, and Entombed A.D.," — the bassist Tom Cato 'King' Visnes comments: "We will tour for the first time in support of our new album due to be released early 2016 by Season of Mist. Lock up your wives, daughters, and horses cause we're soon coming to a town near you!"
Behemoth and Entombed A.D. will go tour in support of their full-length albums "The Satanist" and "Back to the Front". Both records came out in 2014.
Tour dates:
January 29 — Denmark, Copenhagen @ Amager Bio
January 30 — Sweden, Gothenburg @ Traedgarn
January 31 — Sweden, Stockholm @ Arenan
February 2 — Germany, Hamburg @ Markthalle
February 3 — Germany, Berlin @ Astra
February 4 — Czech Republic, Prague @ Meetfactory
February 5 — Germany, Essen @ Weststadthalle
February 7 — Belgium, Antwerp @ Trix
February 10 — Switzerland, Fribourg @ Fri-Son
February 11 — Italy, Trezzo sull´Adda @ Live Club
February 12 — Switzerland, Pratteln @ Z 7
February 13 — Germany, München @ Backstage