Photos from Hell Serpent Rising Over Kyiv

Hell Serpent Rising Over Kyiv took place last Saturday, on February 25, in Kyiv. The one-day event devoted to the release of the third album by the black metallers Balfor and the new video "Filth" by Zaporizhia’s thrashers Hell:on.
Besides the two aforementioned groups, the concert also featured Lviv-based band 1914, glorifying the events of World War I, black metal quartet from Khmelnytsky, Stryvigor, and Kyiv’s thrash metallers Blackmail. Above, you can see photos from the past event, shot by Ludmila Immortality special for Noizr Zine.
Below, watch Balfor's video on the song "Dawn Of Savage" and Stryvigor's "Where Autumn will reign again", filmed during their performances.
Noizr Zine thanks Vladimir Barykin (METALLURG Concert Agency) for the accreditation