Paganland unveil new album’s title, tracklist and cover

The Ukrainian band Paganland announced its third album "From Carpathian Land" release date. The upcoming record is reported to include a new version of the track "Black Mountain" from their debut full-length album "Wind of Freedom".
"From Carpathian Land" comes out on November 4 this year via Svarga Music.
- Stozhary [Стожари] (Intro)
- At the Heart of Carpathians [У Серці Карпат]
- Black Mountain [Чорногора]
- Belted by Spirit [Підперезаний Духом]
- The Gloom [Морок]
- From Carpathian Land [З Карпатського Краю]
- Chuhayster [Чугайстер] (Outro)
"From Carpathian Land" cover