Ashen Dominion Fest feat. Ukrainian black metal bands to be held on March 31 in Kyiv

On March 31, Kyiv will host the first festival, organized by the Kharkiv-based label Ashen Dominion. The event will feature 5 black metal acts from Ukraine, among which are Khors, Raventale, Ulvegr, Kzohh, and Severoth.
The official announcement:
Dry and flame like hotness has cast devastation and hopelessness, desperation and death breath, ashes and darkness dominance upon the Earth. Specially for admirers of the dark scene, we present brand new fest organized by Ashen Dominion, Ukrainian label.
Start: March 31 at 17:00
Venue: MonteRay Live Stage club, Kyiv, Prorizna 8 street
Tickets: 200 UAH, VIP — 300 UAH, buy tickets on
tickets at the door — 300 UAH and 400 UAH VIP
Event on Facebook