Photos from live presentation of Harakiri for the sky’s new album "Arson"

On February 10, the Austrian metal duo Harakiri for the sky held a live presentation of their latest album "Arson" in their hometown Vienna, Austria. In addition to the main guests of the evening, the event also featured Ancst and Ellende as supporting acts. Above, you can check out the photo report from the gig, shot by Larissa Groß (Light Art Pictures) specially for Noizr Zine.
"Arson" became the fourth album in the discography of Harakiri for the sky, which is one of the most interesting bands in the genre of post-metal. Standing out for their musicality, catchy vocal parts, melancholic lyrics, and high quality of performance, the band every year gains more attention, both among listeners, expanding the fan base, and from critics. Their latest offering, from an easy hand of editor is already can be named one of 2018’s best releases.
Their live shows Harakiri for the sky, which includes the vocalist J. J. and the composer M. S., play along with concert musicians — members of the bands Anomalie (bassist Thomas Dornig and guitarist Marrok) and Asathor (drummer Mischa), who are a longtime friends of the band. This evening, Harakiri presented a special 90-minute program, during which they performed new songs ("Heroin Waltz", "Tomb Omnia", "Fire, Walk with Me" and "Stillborn") and tracks from the previous albums like "Lungs Filled with Water" from self-titled record "Harakiri for the Sky", "Jhator" from the second album "Aokigahara", as well as "Viaticum", "Funeral Dreams", and "Thanatos" from the highly acclaimed third LP "III: Trauma".
The performance of Harakiri for the sky was preceded by two sets by Ancst and Ellende. Ancst is a German band that is about to go on the European tour in support of their upcoming album "Ghosts of the Timeless Void". The group defines its style as "blackened crust".
The evening was opened by the Austrian project Ellende of the multi-instrumentalist Lukas Gosch who creates an atmospheric black metal with aggressive extreme vocals. Gosch, who performed that night with four live members, stood out due to a spectacular makeup that covered not only the musician’s face, but also his hands.
Noizr Zine thanks Austin Griswold from Secret Service Publicity for the accreditation