Dark Art: Selection of black metal cover artworks for the past year

This year, under the heading "Dark Art", we continued to select releases in the genre of black metal with the most interesting artworks. The previous material was posted at the end of July last year. From that moment, many albums with excellent covers were released, which we want to share with you.
The new selection includes album covers released from July 2018 to July 2019, created by artists from Norway, Sweden, Great Britain, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania, Croatia, Ukraine, Russia, USA, Canada, Brazil, Chile, Peru, South Korea, Indonesia, Australia, and New Zealand. If you like any of the presented works or you think that we've missed some interesting covers in this selection — feel free to write about it in the comments below.
For the main picture, we used the cover art of the album "Cursed Below The Waves" by the Australian project Drowning The Light. The creator is a Polish artist Dariusz Zawadzki.
The cover art of the album "Whirlwinds of Fathomless Chaos" of the Polish project Temple Desecration. Author is not specified.
The cover art of the album "Okeanos" of the German group Firtan. The creator is a Russian artist Denis Forkas Kostromitin, best known for his work for Behemoth, Children of Bodom, and Wolves in the Throne Room.
The cover art of the album "Lifehunger" by the Norwegian band Vreid. The creator is a Norwegian artist Remi Juliebø.
The cover of the third album "Escape" of the French project Decline Of The I. The creator is a French photographer and artist David Fitt, known for his work for Aosoth, Enthroned, and The Order of Apollyon.
The cover art of the album "I Loved You at Your Darkest" of the Polish black/death metallers Behemoth. The creator is an Italian artist Nicola Samori.
The cover art of the album "A New Kind of Horror" of the British duet Anaal Nathrakh. The creator is a band’s musician Mick Kenney.
The cover art of the album "Sinister, or Treading the Darker Paths" of the Polish band Cultes des Ghoules. Its creator is a Polish artist Mar.A, who has previously worked with the band.
The cover art of the demo "Non Omnis Moriar" of the Mexican act Cavernus. Its creator is Brvja XIII.
The cover art of the second album "Abysmal" by the German band Thron. The artist is not specified.
The cover art of the debut album "Servants Of The Cold Night" by Andeis. The creator is an American artist and musician Adam Burke (Nightjar Illustration).
The cover art for Kriegsmaschine’s "Apocalypticists". The author is not specified.
The album "Oblivion" by the Hungarian band Realm of Wolves. The creator of the artwork is one of the band’s members Vvildr.
The cover art of the new album "Recondemnation" of the Australian band Temple Nightside. The creator is an artist and musician Elijah Gwhedhú Tamu.
The artwork of 1914’s second album "The Blind Leading the Blind". The creator is the Russian artist W. Smerdulak, who has previously worked with Nabaath, Katalepsy, Arkona and many other bands.
The debut album "Ulthar" by American band Cosmovore. For the album’s cover art was used the work of the British artist Ian Miller, known for his work for the books of Lovecraft and Tolkien, as well as for many role-playing games.
The cover art of "Heir to Despair" of the Japanese band Sigh. The creator is an Israeli artist Eliran Kantor, who has previously worked on design of the band’s album s "Scenes from Hell" and "In Somniphobia".
The cover art of the album "Soterion" of the Spanish group Hrizg. Its creator is Vhan Artworks.
The artwork of the album "Unbound" of the Finnish black metallers Sargeist. The creator is Misanthropic-Art (Baptism, Celtic Blood).
The demo "Shrouded in Grave Soil" of the Spanish black/death act 13th Moon. The creator of the cover art is Mar.A Artworks.
Horna’s album compilation "Kasteessa Kirottu" which includes music recorded during 1994-1999 years. The creator of the cover art is a Chilean artist Daniel Desecrator.
The debut demo "Eroding The Shrine Of Submission" of the Belgian musicians Seethr, who were previously involved in the bands Aetherium, Last Legion Alive, and Slecht. The creator of the cover art is Simon Chognot (Cold Mind Art).
The cover of the EP "The Lunatic Creature" of the Tunisian project Ayyur. The creator is VSYN.
The self-titled album of the international project Acathexis, which includes musicians from Argentina, Belgium, and the USA. The cover art is created by Divine Chaos Art.
The compilation album "Servants Of Chaos II" by Debemur Morti Productions, which included music of Behexen, Wallachia, Blut Aus Nord, Throane, Terra Tenebrosa and many other artists from the roster of the French label. The cover art’s creator is a French artist Dehn Sora.
The cover art of the album "Pacifism Is Cowardice" of the British band Spearhead. The author is a Peruvian artist José Gabriel Alegría known under the pseudonym Hathrul.
The cover of the second album "Revelations of the Red Sword" of the Icelandic band Svartidauði. The creator is an Italian artist and musician Nicola Solieri.
The cover of the third album "Unterm Gipfelthron" of the Austrian project Rauhnåcht. The author is a Romanian artist Moga Alexandru from Kogaion Art.
The cover art of the EP "Beyond the Bestial" of the Ukrainian act Khors. The author is a Russian artist Alexei Glukhov from Mayhem Project, who has been working with the band since 2014.
The cover art of the single "Antilogos" of the Russian project Veter Daemonaz. Its creator is A.Held (Ubertragic Art).
The cover art of Barshasketh’s eponymous album. The creator is Black Typography.
The cover art of the second album "Niets en niemendal" of the Netherlands band Meslamtaea. The author is a Russian artist and musician Maya Kurkhuli.
The cover art of the a,bum "Venenum Scorpionis" of the Swedish band Grafvitnir. The creator is an talian artist Daniel Valeriani, who has previously worked with Dark Funeral and Lucifer's Child.
The cover art of the EP "Sun of the Deep" of the Australian band Sorathian Dawn. The author is not specified.
The cover art of the second album "Hvísl Stjarnanna" by the Icelandic band Sinmara. The author is a photographer from the Netherlands Nona Limmen.
The cover of the debut album "Solstices" by the French band Heaume Mortal. The author is not specified.
The cover of the second album "Triumphant Master of Fates" of the American band Vimur. The author is previously mentioned artist and musician Adam Burke.
The cover of the EP "Skuggen" by the Norwegian band Nattverd. The author is a Serbian artist and musician Stefan Todorović, best known as the vocalist of Gorgoroth.
The cover of the demo "II" of the Russian group Illt. The author is not specified.
The cover of the album "Loss & Grief" by the Dutch band Horcrux. The author is not specified.
The cover of "The Endless Endeavor" by Belgian band Drawn into Descent. Posted by Bahrull Marta of Abomination Imagery.
The cover of the debut album "Gods Without Name" of the American black metallers Aoratos. The author is an Indonesian artist Bahrull Marta.
The cover of the second album "Pantheon MMXIX" of the Russian band Ultar. The author is not specified.
The cover art of the debut album "Charnel Heart" of the Swedish band Flykt. The author is a Serbian artist and musician Stefan Todorović.
The cover art of the debut album "Heart Of Lead" of the Iceland band Kaleikr. The creator is Metastazis.
The cover of the same-named EP of the Russian band Debry. Posted by Pablo el diiablo.
The cover art of the second album "Adore" of the Canadian band Numenorean. The author is not specified.
The cover art of the second album "Pyrrhic" of the American band Frosthelm. The author is Raymond Swanland, who has previously worked with Suffocation and is known as an illustrator for Magic: The Gathering game.
The album cover for Sühnopfer's album "Hic Regnant Borbonii Manes". The creator is Valnoir from Metastazis.
The cover of the album "Kosmocide" of the Polish band Deus Mortem. The author is a Russian artist Artem Grigoryev, who has previously worked with Baptism, Barshasketh, Sinmara, Do Skonu and others.
The cover art of the second album "Chasm" of the Spanish band Suspiral. The author is the band’s bass player Álex Tedín, who previously worked on albums’ cover arts for such bands as Sinmara and Svartidauði.
The cover art of the album "Oath" of the Russian band Morokh. The author is not specified.
The art of the second album "Laho" of the Finnish project Kval. The creator is Moonroot Art.
The cover art of "The Furnaces of Palingenesia" by the French band Deathspell Omega. The author is not specified.
The cover art of the record "Algleymi" of the Icelandic band Misþyrming. The author is the Netherlands artist Manuel Tinnemans, who has previously worked with Deathspell Omega, Entombed A.D., Lychgate, Rotting Christ and many other bands.
The cover art of the album "Old Star" of the Norwegians Darkthrone. The author is an American artist and musician Chadwick St. John.
The cover of Chernaa's "Empyrean Fire" debut album. The creator is Anna Levytska, who previously worked on cover art for Blut aus Nord's album "Deus Salutis Meæ".
The art of Funeral Storm’s debut album "Arcane Mysteries". The author is a German artist Markus Vesper (Denial Of God, Manilla Road, Attic).
The art of the debut album "Tempestas" by the American band Ov Lustra. The author is not specified.
The cover art of the record "Offerings of Flesh and Gold" of the American band Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze. The creator is a British artist and musician Alex CF.
The cover of the EP "The Hallowed Shall Serve" of the American band Inquinok. The creator is Gargoth from Luciferium War Graphics.