Check 'Em All: October’s and November’s black metal releases

For a new Check 'Em All material, we selected more than 30 releases that came out in October and November of this year. The compilation includes albums from such classics of the genre as Enslaved and Watain, the supergroups Scour and Sinsaenum, the cult bands Blaze Of Perdition and Aosoth, whose two members have recently announced their retirement. In addition, the article features debut releases from the bands from Italy, China, Poland, Romania, USA, Finland, France, Switzerland, Sweden, and from the German-Ukrainian project Schattenfall, as well as interesting new records from the bands from around the world.
Aosoth — "V: The Inside Scriptures"
"V: The Inside Scriptures" is a new full-length release in the discography of the former French trio Aosoth, which at the end of November has lost two musicians, the guitarist Bst (ex-Aborted) and bassist INRVI (VI), thus turning into one-man band with the only member, the vocalist MkM (Antaeus, Martröð, ex-Deviant). The recordings of "V: The Inside Scriptures" took nearly three years, featuring session guitarist Saroth (Hell Militia/Temple of Baal), and were interrupted by many events in the personal lives of Bst & MkM.
A Pale December — "The Shrine of Primal Fire"
"The Shrine of Primal Fire" is a July’s debut from the Italian duo A Pale December, released in early October via Avantgarde Music. The LP, which combines atmospheric black with ambient elements, is an excellent soundtrack to the beginning of winter.
Arkhon Infaustus — "Passing the Nekromanteion"
10 years after the release of the last album "Orthodoxyn", the French duo Arkhon Infaustus presented a EP "Passing the Nekromanteion" which included 4 new tracks of the band.
Auðn — "Farvegir Fyrndar"
"Farvegir Fyrndar" is the second album of the Icelandic band Auðn, most of which members are also associated with the black metal project Dynfari. The atmospheric and melodic LP, released on November 10, is the first record of the band which came out via Season of Mist.
Black Kirin — "Nanking Massacre"
"Nanking Massacre" is the third album of the Chinese band Black Kirin, who dedicated its new LP to a tragedy that occurred in Nanjing in 1937 during the Second Sino-Japanese War. According to various estimates, within six weeks of capturing Nanking, the Imperial Japanese Army killed from 40,000 to more than 300,000 civilians and soldiers of China, and committed many rapes and acts of looting. Taking up such a tragic topic, Black Kirin’s musicians created an excellent release with a rich musical palette, high-skilled performance, and solid sound.
Blaze Of Perdition — "Conscious Darkness"
"Conscious Darkness" is the fourth album from the well-known Polish metal act Blaze Of Perdition. The new release crowns "a decade of romancing darkness and death".
Caïnan Dawn — "F.O.H.A.T."
"F.O.A.T." is a curious release from the French metal act Caïnan Dawn which lyrics are dedicated to mysticism, occultism, meditation, and space. This is the second album of the band, released via the well-known Osmose Productions label which has previously collaborated with Marduk, Immortal, Impaled Nazarene, Enslaved, Nokturnal Mortum, etc.
Celephaïs — "Monad"
"Monad" is the second album from the German one-man band Celephaïs which was released after a 5-year hiatus. Celephaïs plays instrumental post-metal with black metal elements.
Chaos Moon — "Eschaton Mémoire"
In the middle of November, the American band Chaos Moon released its fourth full-length album "Eschaton Mémoire" — an excellent release with a marvelous atmosphere, fascinating drum parts, and beautiful melodies.
Cloak — "To Venomous Depths"
"To Venomous Depths" is the debut album from the American band Cloak, which was influenced by such mastodons as Dissection, Deep Purple, and Fields of the Nephilim. The old school reflected on the creativity of the quartet, giving rise to an excellent mix of black metal with numerous rock inserts (great melodic guitar parts in particular).
Deadspace — "The Liquid Sky"
"The Liquid Sky" is the third album from Australians Deadspace which brings together depressive black metal with the atmosphere of gothic and post-rock. A melodic release that will immerse the listener in a melancholy state.
Dismal — "遺·白"
"遺·白" is the debut album of the project Dismal from Hong Kong which plays depressive black metal. The central themes of the 45-minute record, released via Pest Productions (China), are life values and laws of karma.
Dödsrit — "Dödsrit"
The self-titled debut release of the Swedish one-man band Dödsrit, created by Christoffer Öster, the ex-guitarist of the non-existent hardcore punk band Totem Skin. The musician composes music at the junction of crust and black metal.
Eneferens — "In The Hours Beneath"
"In The Hours Beneath" is a EP from the American metal act Eneferens, formed by the musician Jori Apedaile who creates atmospheric black metal, performing every instrument on the record.
Enslaved — "E"
In October, the Norwegian metallers Enslaved presented the world their 14th full-length opus "E", entitled by the rune "Ehwaz". Starting from the esoteric meaning of the album’s title ("trust" and "cooperation"), the theme of the LP is linked with the coexistence of man with other beings, objects, and phenomena. Two release songs, "Hiindsiigh" and "Feathers Of Eolh", were recorded with Wardruna’s leader Einar 'Kvitrafn' Selvik, flutist Daniel Mage and jazz saxophonist Kjetil Møster. Listen to the full album stream on Spotify and Deezer.
Heir — "Au Peuple de l'Abîme"
"Au Peuple de l'Abîme" is the debut full-length release of the French quintet Heir which plays black metal with sludge elements.
Hornwood Fell — "My Body, My Time"
"My Body, My Time" is the third album from the Italian duet Hornwood Fell, created by the brothers Marco and Andrea Basili. The new release of the band definitely will be interesting for avant-garde music admirers.
Malokarpatan — "Nordkarpatenland"
A new album from the Slovak metalheads Malokarpatan, playing raw black metal with a noticeable influence of thrash. To record the release, the band used atypical instruments for the genre, among which are wind instruments, frogbuzzer, and the so-called "Helix Bowl" which consists of a steel helix welded to a resonating chamber, making a deep resonating wah-wah effect.
Motherwood — "Motherwood"
The atmospheric black metal from the Brazilian duo Motherwood, whose songs are devoted to such negative human emotions as fear, sadness, despair, and solitude.
Nazghor — "Infernal Aphorism"
The new sixth album "Infernal Aphorism" from the Swedish metallers Nazghor presents nearly 60 minutes of melodic black metal, possessing catchy guitar parts, powerful percussion and sharp vocals that perfectly complement the big musical picture.
Nephilim's Howl — "Through The Marrow Of Human Suffering"
An interesting debut release from the Finnish trio Nephilim's Howl which combines black metal with doom metal.
Over The Voids... — "Over The Voids"
"Over The Voids" is the debut self-titled release of the one-man band Over The Voids..., created the by Polish musician Michał 'The Fall' Stępień, the member of Medico Peste and live bassist of Mgła.
Paramnesia и Ultha — Split
The collaboration of the German band Ultha and the French metal act Paramnesia resulted in an excellent split — a 2-track release with an ominous and gloomy atmosphere.
Pień — "Łysa Polana"
The debut EP "Łysa Polana" from the Polish band Pień can be recommended to all fans of raw black metal. In addition to the new tracks, the band’s latest release includes two remastered tracks from 2014’s demo.
A remarkable EP from the Norwegian project RÛR. 3-track release was composed and recorded by a musician under the nickname C.L. this fall.
Schattenfall — "Schatten in Schwarz"
"Schatten in Schwarz" is the debut release from the German-Ukrainian project Schattenfall, featuring the vocalist Ole Heidenblut, as well as two musicians associated with this year's acclaimed band White Ward — drummer Yurii Kononov and its former member, guitarist and bassist Vladimir Bauer.
Scour — "Red"
A new EP from the project of musicians Phil Anselmo (Pantera), Derek Engemann (Cattle Decapitation), Chase Fraser (Animosity), as well as the brothers Adam and John Jarvis (Pig Destroyer).
Sinsaenum — "Ashes"
"Ashes" is a fresh EP from the band Sinsaenum which features musicians from Mayhem, Dragonforce, Seth, Slipknot, Daat, and Loudblast. Below is a video clip for the title trackof the record, the full stream of which is available on Deezer.
Thantifaxath — "Void Masquerading As Matter"
"Void Masquerading As Matter" is a new EP from the Canadian trio Thantifaxath, whose members prefer to keep their anonymity. The release is full of grim black metal, lyrically associated with such motives as depression, death, and suffering.
Throane — "Plus Une Main A Mordre"
"Plus Une Main A Mordre" is the second album from the French musician Dehn Sora — a photographer, illustrator, and designer who has previously worked with Blut Aus Nord, Ulver, and Deathspell Omega. Within his project Throane, the artist composes ominous low tempo tracks, thematically dedicated to nihilism and pessimism.
Trollech — "Každý strom má svůj stín"
"Každý strom má svůj stín" is a new album from pagan black metallers Trollech who formed the band back in 1999. The group defines its style as "Forest Black Metal" and performs songs with the Czech lyrics. In addition, one of Trollech’s member Sheafraidh is also a drummer in Panychida.
Vvilderness — "Devour The Sun"
The debut release from the Romanian project Vvilderness. The musician vvildr creates an interesting music, combining together elements of post-rock, black metal, and ambient.
Watain — "Nuclear Alchemy"
"Nuclear Alchemy" is the first shot from the forthcoming 6th album "Trident Wolf Eclipse" of the Swedish black metal masters Watain. The track was released at the end of October as a single along with a cover on the track "Beyond" of the Hungarian band Tormentor, one which members is Attila Csihar (Mayhem, Sunn O))), Sinsaenum). Both tracks can be listened to on Spotify and Deezer. Also, follow the link to read our material in which Watain’s producer Tore 'Necromorbus' Stjerna helps us to explain "Who is who at the recording studio".
Woeful Silence — "Shrouds Of Decay"
"Shrouds Of Decay" is the debut EP from the Swiss one-man band Woeful Silence, formed by the musician Daniele Brumana who acted as a composer, lyricist, and the creator of the record’s cover art.