Brutal Assault 23: Festival’s dates and first bands announcement

The Czech heavy music festival Brutal Assault, which will be held in 2018 for the 23rd time, announced its dates and first bands from its lineup.
Read also: 5 reasons to visit Brutal Assault festival
It’s reported that AT THE GATES, DEAD CONGREGATION, SADISTIC INTENT, PESTILENCE, MISERY INDEX, MISERY INDEX, THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, NAILS, KUROKUMA, NOVEMBERS DOOM, OBSCURE SPHINX, CARPATHIAN FOREST, PILLORIAN, WHOREDOM RIFE, PERTURBATOR as well as IHSAHN will perform at the three-day event, which will be held from August 8 to 11 in the Czech city of Jaroměř. The first batch of tickets is already available on the website:
Organizers comment:
"We are happy to welcome Swedish classics AT THE GATES – who spawned melodic death metal, influenced metalcore and went ahead of their time with the all-time classic record Slaughter of the Soul. Confirmed is also demonic Hellenic death metal of DEAD CONGREGATION, who themselves have also re-defined blasphemous death metal stemming from the depths of netherworld with their instant-classic debut record Graves of the Archangels. Ever since they’ve stayed loyal to the subgenre they helped to revive and belong among the most essential bands death metal has to offer these days.
SADISTIC INTENT set their path to be classical styled underground death metal around 30 years ago, when it was not yet coined what will be in the future regarded as so and they never strayed from this path. They kept low profile and swore their oath to the underground and we now have the great pleasure to welcome them at BA for the first time ever! After years we will welcome back legendary Dutch act PESTILENCE. Tech death metal pioneers who left significant mark on extreme metal scene promised to play mostly all-time classics.
MISERY INDEX on the other hand never shied away from mixing death metal up with grindcore and helluva dose of adrenalin and they will present their juiced-to-the-tits style at BA again! Returning to our festival are also THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, who are drawing on melodic and metalcore elements and combining them in a powerful and energic death metal blend. And for the first time ever you will have the chance to experience uncompromising dirt-laden violence hardcore grind of their fellow Americans NAILS. Equally uncompromising will be also British act KUROKUMA, who are ready to blow brains wide open with a vicious sludge sound.
The genre of doom metal will also be represented by guardians of the old ways NOVEMBERS DOOM from the US and on the other hand purveyors of progress and experiments OBSCURE SPHINX from Poland. Progressive and reflective attitude to composing will also be showcased by Emperor frontman IHSAHN with his solo project.
As for black metal, even here we managed to get representatives of the ultra-orthodox school in CARPATHIAN FOREST and on the other hand we’ll host agents of melodic Portland scene with members of Agalloch, Uada and Maestus with their new project PILLORIAN. Beyond that we’re also gonna have WHOREDOM RIFE out of Nidaros, Norway, who are firmly rooted in classical second wave black metal of the early 90’s. However, beyond that they also manage to bring in their distinctive style of eerie melodies and massive amounts of charisma, especially in their frontman K.R. Geared to battle with this combination of elements in conjunction with their strictly underground integrity they might be able to become the banner bearers for the genre known as true Norwegian black metal.
The out of ordinary icing on the metal cake will have form of retro-futuristic electronica produced by French half-man, half-synthesizer PERTURBATOR, who took both metal and electronic scene by storm with his peculiar dark synths paying homage to the 80’s and aesthetics stemming not only from movies of the period but also from metal-specific approaches."
See also: Photo report from Brutal Assault festival 2017 + photos from Internet