Report: Oomph! presented anniversary album in Kyiv

On Saturday, 21 May, the famous German rock band Oomph! gave the new concert in Kyiv. Just in a couple of months, the band will come back to Ukraine for performing at the Lviv’s Zaxidfest.
Oomph!, whose name is associated with the expression of emotional excitement, is one of the most interesting and innovative alternative German bands. Critics call the musicians the pioneers of Neue Deutsche Härte subgenre, and the fans — one of the most energetic and driving live acts, so it’s not surprising that this year the band was invited to perform in Ukraine twice.
The show in honor of the anniversary album of the group, which marked the 25-year milestone, Kyiv’s fans have been waiting with a great excitement. On the day of the band’s arrival, the Ukrainians met the musicians at the airport, giving a chic cake decorated with "XXV" front cover. On Saturday, before the concert, some fans have traditionally waited for the band near the club to hang out and get autographs. A few lucky ones who won a meeting with Oomph! also managed to see musicians at the Meet & Greet.
Since the latter band's arrival in 2013, Oomph! stage look has undergone notable changes. The musicians abandoned the seafarers image and this time performed in a restrained black suits and, in addition, the minimum black eye make-up of the vocalist Dero Goi has replaced the bright face-paint. The rockers appeared on the stage, accompanied by an electronic entry of the track "Alles aus Liebe", during which the band’s leader came out, simulating robot’s moves.
While performing, the musicians tried to show maximum attention to the Kyiv’s public. At the concert, it was obvious that Oomph!’s previous visits to Ukraine have not been lost, in particular, the vocalist improved his Ukrainian language a little bit, telling the audience not only the traditional for artists' "diakuiu" [thank you], but also "strybayte" [jump] and "na dobranіch" [good night]. During the set, the musician encouraged the fans to action, asking them to do a moshpit, "Do you know what wall of death means?", immerse in a lyrical mood with lights from gadgets’ glowing screens and lighters during the slow songs playing and energetically "strybaty" [jump] to the rhythm of groovy songs.
The most memorable moment of the evening was the joint performance of the romantic song "Als Wär's Das Letzte Mal" with the girl from the crowd. Dero invited the fan on stage, mentioning that she appeared in the live video from the band's performance at last year's Zaxidfest. "Ukrainian girls are the most beautiful! You, guys, are very lucky", said the singer, seeing off cute young lady after the song was finished.
The two-hour set, which highlight was the hit "Augen auf!", ended by the traditional exit for an encore. Concluding the concert with Brenda Lee’s song "Danke Schoen" sang by Dero, other musicians left the stage, waving goodbye to the public. But the audience did not let the singer go, requiring the band to return for one more encore. Deciding to amuse the public, the musician with the words, "So you want more?", started to beat out the rhythm on the drum, a cappella sang a few verses of the songs "Power of Love", "Fieber" and "Das letzte Streichholz". After that Dero said goodbye to the tired, but satisfied audience, promising to see them soon at the Zaxidfest.
- Alles aus Liebe (mit Intro)
- Labyrinth
- Träumst Du
- Mein Schatz
- Das weisse Licht
- Mein Herz
- Der neue Gott
- Unzerstörbar (mit Intro)
- Als wärs das letzte Mal
- Wunschkind
- Jede Reise hat ein Ende
- Bis der Spiegel zerbricht
- Jetzt oder nie
- Niemand
- Mitten ins Herz
- Unter diesem Mond
- Auf Kurs
- Sandmann
- Gekreuzigt
- Augen auf!
- Kleinstadtboy
- Gott ist ein Popstar
- Outro (Dankeschön)
- Power of Love (Acapella)
- Fieber (Acapella)
- Das letzte Streichholz (Acapella)
By Anastezia
Noizr Zine thanks the concert agency HMG for the accreditation