Kampfar’s "Profan". The last part of the Norwegians metal trilogy

Twenty years of hard work simply can not become futile. For this period Kampfar’s musicians improved their style, performance manner and genre technics. All those skills were perfected by the curtain impressive releases. The seventh studio album, released on Friday, November 13, will make you run again through the discography of the Norwegians. And here you can observe the process of rebirth, as the band of two amateurs turns into an aggressive machine of considerable size.
"Profan" is the final CD of the certain Kampfar album series which began with the release of "Mare" in 2011. The record revealed the picture of life among witches and all evil spirits, showing the listeners the past and the present. This topic was continued by the sixth studio recording "Djevelmakt" in 2014, which can be considered one of the best in the discography. His conceptual theme lowered us to the underworld with miserable existence among the rats and abandoned dark souls. In turn, "Profan" concludes the trilogy, destroying all hopes for a sunshine. This is the worst of the past stages, it "represents no hope, a life of filth, a surrender to the laws of Death and the Scythe," according to the vocalist Dolk.
However, if life becomes more unbearable, the works of Kampfar increasingly impress listeners of the genre. The band successfully uses its brand style, combining black metal and folk motives. At the same time "Profan" carries a double portion of aggression and speed of the previous albums. Heavy riffs sound more skillful and faster now. They are full of fury gloomy mood and persistent rhythms. Compared with the previous records, most of the songs of "Profan" have irrepressible drums, there is less melodic parts and long transitions. This is the driving force, a powerful gust of frenzy from the first track to last one.
The tracklist of the album consists of seven songs, which harmoniously combine the elements of other genres. While listening you can catch some traits of black and even viking metal, thrash rhythms. Vocals stay more extreme, but with changes to the vigorous and aggressive clean voice.
As the three most powerful songs of the new album we can claim "Profanum", "Skavank" and "Tornekratt". At the same time the sixth track "Pole In The Ground" is the composition that can characterize "Profan" in general. "Pole In The Ground" has the richest atmosphere, mystical mood and heavy duty rhythms, from breakneck speed to more melodic motives. Whole album duration is no longer than forty minutes but the CD is really catching. It should be listened more than once. Each of those times will reveal you some new great features of "Profan".
Check out some other Kampfar’s achievements. For the first time, the band presents its official video for the single "Daimon":
Kampfar new album official stream
By Yuri Somov